Scott C. Savett

Friday, February 22, 2008

Winnipeg is COLD!

I just spent a week on a business trip in the coldest places I've ever - Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. When I arrived on Monday it was -20 F. Throughout the week it never made it above 12 F. It was windy and downright frigid. The locals don't seem to be fazed by the temperature. Wind chills of -40 F (which is also -40 C) are typical. This is the only place I've ever been sent where it's necessary to plug in the rental car overnight (they supply a 10-foot extension cord) to keep the oil from turning into sludge overnight. Hotels and other places where you leave your car for more than a couple hours have plugs for this purpose.

One nice thing about this trip and the related project is some press that we've received. Check it out on Thermo Fisher's Web site.


Sunday, February 17, 2008

Spring Lake Farm

I was going through childhood photos and came upon some from Spring Lake Farm Day Camp. The camp no longer exists, as it's been replaced by a synagogue. But fond memories of the place still live within my mind.

Here is the way the main barn of the camp looked in 1986:

Here is Ian Spiegel (left) and somebody (Mike?) whose name I can't remember.

And this is Jennifer Angelo, who if I remember correctly, didn't like to have her picture taken.

Any other Spring Lake Farm campers out there? Please contact me!
