Scott C. Savett

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Spring Lake Farm

I was going through childhood photos and came upon some from Spring Lake Farm Day Camp. The camp no longer exists, as it's been replaced by a synagogue. But fond memories of the place still live within my mind.

Here is the way the main barn of the camp looked in 1986:

Here is Ian Spiegel (left) and somebody (Mike?) whose name I can't remember.

And this is Jennifer Angelo, who if I remember correctly, didn't like to have her picture taken.

Any other Spring Lake Farm campers out there? Please contact me!



  • Hi Scott - I DO like to have my picture taken just not during the awkward years. I listen to the bway station on xm radio all the time and I think of you everytime they play the "Princes come, Princes Go" song. I miss SLF so much - it was a magical place. Yes - that was Mike in the photo but I don't remember his last name either. Wonder what ever happened to Carl. All the best- Jen

    By Blogger Jennifer Angelo, at 2/21/2008 3:12 PM  

  • i went to spring lake farm from 1998 until it closed i in 2002 or 2003.

    By Blogger kevinlololol, at 11/20/2008 5:40 PM  

  • i went to spring lake farm from 1998 until it closed in either 2002 or 2003

    By Blogger kevinlololol, at 11/20/2008 5:41 PM  

  • I went to Spring Lake Farm starting sometime around 1983 through 1987. I am sad to hear it has closed. I remember the annual musicals, the geese, playing "nuke 'em"--which no one seems to have heard of--playing tennis, making ceramics. Wonderful place.

    By Blogger Unreliable Narrator, at 2/18/2009 2:50 PM  

  • I went to SLF for 4 years - 1980 (Lil' Abner), 1981 (Barnum), 1982 (Wizard of Oz), and 1983 (Peter Pan). I still keep in touch with 2 of my dearest friends from those years, one of whom lives right near the campsite -- which apparently is now a huge synagogue. Some of my happiest memories were from those days at camp -- Mr. and Mrs. O really knew what they were doing to make all of the campers feel good about themselves every day. I can still sing all 3 of the camp songs too! Glad to see some fellow SLF alumni out there! - Rachel Cole, Boulder, CO.

    By Blogger Rachie, at 3/28/2010 11:31 PM  

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